Welcome to Bayan E-Hub

Bayan E-Hub is your gateway to geospatial and statistical data from both private and public sectors in the Philippines. This open portal empowers you with valuable insights for data-driven decision-making.

Explore eight categories of data available at regional, provincial, and city levels. Simply click on the categories link or search by city to find the information you need. Each interactive map/dashboard has the categories conveniently listed at the top.

Unless otherwise stated, all data presented refer to Cities and not to Municipalities, Provinces, nor Regions.

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Browse our data library going from national, provincial, municipality, and city level by the following categories



Typhoon Odette entered the Philippine Area of Responsibility last December 14 and has left a trail of destruction in its wake.

In the Philippines’ densest region, analysis of government data showed that barely one in 100 evacuation facilities are permanent shelters. At least 60 in every 100 of Metro Manila’s “evacuation centers” are schools and basketball courts.

Task Force T3 played a crucial role in supporting the national government's implementation of the National Vaccination Days (NVD) in the Philippines. Their contribution encompassed providing essential resources, vaccines, and manpower to mega vaccination sites. 

Liveable City Playbook Vol 1. E-Gov for LGUs. e-Government is known internationally  as the use of information and  communication technology (ICT) by government agencies to provide more  efficient and convenient services.

Urban Connect x LocalLab

In partnership with USAID Philippines’ Urban Connect Project, Liveable Cities Philippines is organizing a series of Liveable Cities LocalLab back-to-back with Urban Management Workshop in nine cities. In line with the objectives to promote inclusive and resilient growth by enhancing local economic development and improving public service delivery, the activities are aimed at sharing best practices and innovative ideas, and building capacity of cities and its surrounding LGUs in urban planning and management. 

Urban Connect Cities



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